Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Illusion of Life - Part One

Today I starting reading The Illusion of Life, I'm not far into it but a quote by Vladimir (Bill) Tytla really struck me... I mean the whole book so far has my chin on the ground but this one thing really popped. This is directly from the book...

Bill was speaking to a group of young animators who had been asking how he achieved his wonderful results on screen. He answered simply, "To me it's as much a mystery as ever before - sometimes I get it - sometimes I don't. I wish I knew, then I'd do it more often.

-Vladimir (Bill) Tytla

I believe this to be so true, I find I do my best work when "my brain is off". Meaning, there is no real thought process, there is no magical recipe. I'm having fun, I'm enjoying what I'm working on and I'm thinking just enough to know what I want to accomplish. After I'm done I set back and ask myself, "Well, how did that happen?" And the answer is "I don't know, but I wish it happened more often."


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